Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 21-Oct-2024 20:01 CDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 2503284
Total Files 1587491
Total Pages 2119308
Total Visits 8233
Total KBytes 45078293
Total Unique Sites 184
Total Unique URLs 6275
Total Unique Referrers 14593
Total Unique Usernames 48
Total Unique User Agents 5063
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 4966 13152
Hits per Day 119204 167521
Files per Day 75594 113663
Pages per Day 100919 138302
Visits per Day 392 611
KBytes per Day 2146585 5072796
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1587491
Code 206 - Partial Content 8225
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 105632
Code 302 - Found 1
Code 304 - Not Modified 6062
Code 400 - Bad Request 175
Code 403 - Forbidden 205
Code 404 - Not Found 228195
Code 408 - Request Timeout 16
Code 410 - Gone 559693
Code 413 - Request Entity Too Large 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 7476
Code 501 - Not Implemented 68
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 44

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 167521 6.69% 113663 7.16% 138302 6.53% 611 7.42% 57 30.98% 5072796 11.25%
2 147229 5.88% 92307 5.81% 119333 5.63% 436 5.30% 54 29.35% 2494351 5.53%
3 149531 5.97% 82678 5.21% 130002 6.13% 359 4.36% 50 27.17% 1722925 3.82%
4 135397 5.41% 88612 5.58% 114947 5.42% 399 4.85% 57 30.98% 2448200 5.43%
5 138128 5.52% 91381 5.76% 118698 5.60% 501 6.09% 54 29.35% 2586438 5.74%
6 138877 5.55% 84640 5.33% 113467 5.35% 351 4.26% 52 28.26% 1562965 3.47%
7 142253 5.68% 84180 5.30% 121603 5.74% 418 5.08% 58 31.52% 1923429 4.27%
8 113711 4.54% 67300 4.24% 90067 4.25% 387 4.70% 53 28.80% 1679549 3.73%
9 108367 4.33% 65208 4.11% 87762 4.14% 562 6.83% 56 30.43% 1857113 4.12%
10 122426 4.89% 77273 4.87% 107429 5.07% 533 6.47% 56 30.43% 2567359 5.70%
11 112621 4.50% 69076 4.35% 94575 4.46% 475 5.77% 58 31.52% 1629882 3.62%
12 117697 4.70% 74538 4.70% 102498 4.84% 438 5.32% 56 30.43% 2119243 4.70%
13 107446 4.29% 68724 4.33% 93218 4.40% 438 5.32% 55 29.89% 1770767 3.93%
14 116151 4.64% 71634 4.51% 97626 4.61% 372 4.52% 56 30.43% 2260543 5.01%
15 107427 4.29% 69522 4.38% 89993 4.25% 471 5.72% 53 28.80% 2617554 5.81%
16 97814 3.91% 64717 4.08% 84128 3.97% 391 4.75% 61 33.15% 2448034 5.43%
17 111497 4.45% 78335 4.93% 101404 4.78% 394 4.79% 51 27.72% 2188680 4.86%
18 115531 4.62% 79276 4.99% 101389 4.78% 372 4.52% 55 29.89% 2267633 5.03%
19 121923 4.87% 80019 5.04% 98341 4.64% 306 3.72% 54 29.35% 1877649 4.17%
20 106589 4.26% 70792 4.46% 93754 4.42% 405 4.92% 49 26.63% 1533694 3.40%
21 25148 1.00% 13616 0.86% 20772 0.98% 76 0.92% 134 72.83% 449488 1.00%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 5051 106076 4.24% 3231 67860 4.27% 4350 91355 4.31% 87642 1840479 4.08%
1 5824 122305 4.89% 3320 69725 4.39% 4989 104783 4.94% 96105 2018206 4.48%
2 5128 107696 4.30% 3266 68606 4.32% 4370 91789 4.33% 87957 1847089 4.10%
3 5111 107331 4.29% 3292 69136 4.36% 4298 90274 4.26% 89837 1886587 4.19%
4 4940 103748 4.14% 3130 65731 4.14% 4190 88010 4.15% 85147 1788087 3.97%
5 5257 110411 4.41% 3140 65954 4.15% 4552 95592 4.51% 84667 1778009 3.94%
6 4888 102651 4.10% 3088 64854 4.09% 4189 87969 4.15% 83013 1743271 3.87%
7 4757 99907 3.99% 3073 64533 4.07% 4043 84915 4.01% 86399 1814378 4.02%
8 4756 99894 3.99% 3067 64420 4.06% 4073 85547 4.04% 82301 1728331 3.83%
9 4751 99781 3.99% 3075 64575 4.07% 4061 85284 4.02% 76058 1597225 3.54%
10 4760 99970 3.99% 3106 65233 4.11% 4069 85455 4.03% 76020 1596417 3.54%
11 4960 104176 4.16% 3159 66357 4.18% 4087 85834 4.05% 90080 1891673 4.20%
12 4974 104461 4.17% 3125 65632 4.13% 4083 85761 4.05% 83920 1762328 3.91%
13 4978 104538 4.18% 3112 65355 4.12% 4124 86622 4.09% 90104 1892182 4.20%
14 4705 98809 3.95% 2947 61896 3.90% 3937 82690 3.90% 65020 1365410 3.03%
15 4683 98349 3.93% 2972 62413 3.93% 3938 82710 3.90% 67811 1424026 3.16%
16 4861 102085 4.08% 3075 64591 4.07% 4045 84962 4.01% 71178 1494741 3.32%
17 4894 102791 4.11% 3233 67910 4.28% 4196 88127 4.16% 131343 2758203 6.12%
18 4891 102719 4.10% 3240 68056 4.29% 4139 86923 4.10% 117758 2472915 5.49%
19 4773 100243 4.00% 3156 66280 4.18% 4082 85731 4.05% 106089 2227879 4.94%
20 5017 105360 4.21% 3287 69030 4.35% 4180 87795 4.14% 105098 2207048 4.90%
21 5060 106276 4.25% 3273 68734 4.33% 4292 90147 4.25% 109725 2304235 5.11%
22 5196 109125 4.36% 3133 65799 4.14% 4402 92451 4.36% 91432 1920070 4.26%
23 4980 104582 4.18% 3086 64811 4.08% 4218 88582 4.18% 81881 1719502 3.81%

Top 30 of 6275 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1052094 42.03% 101197 0.22% /
2 52656 2.10% 7051045 15.64% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
3 38847 1.55% 669768 1.49% /community-calendar.pml
4 22899 0.91% 536569 1.19% /events.pml
5 20847 0.83% 11554 0.03% /robots.txt
6 18700 0.75% 2413688 5.35% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202409.html
7 18667 0.75% 2118657 4.70% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202410.html
8 18101 0.72% 183676 0.41% /statistics/site-2117/
9 17182 0.69% 2290793 5.08% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201409.html
10 17056 0.68% 2268849 5.03% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html
11 16881 0.67% 2258901 5.01% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201604.html
12 16571 0.66% 167445 0.37% /statistics/site-2091/
13 9896 0.40% 100274 0.22% /statistics/site-2115/
14 9098 0.36% 88466 0.20% /site/view/75226_Guestbook.pml
15 8869 0.35% 1176189 2.61% /statistics/site-2116/usage_201506.html
16 8868 0.35% 89845 0.20% /statistics/site-2125/
17 8692 0.35% 1144202 2.54% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201506.html
18 8680 0.35% 1146039 2.54% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201506.html
19 8656 0.35% 1136315 2.52% /statistics/site-2131/usage_201506.html
20 8566 0.34% 86469 0.19% /statistics/site-2131/
21 8460 0.34% 85743 0.19% /statistics/site-2096/
22 8346 0.33% 84789 0.19% /statistics/site-2104/
23 4039 0.16% 40929 0.09% /statistics/site-2116/
24 3321 0.13% 51066 0.11% /calendar.pml
25 2756 0.11% 27964 0.06% /statistics/site-2156/
26 2405 0.10% 24339 0.05% /statistics/site-2154/
27 2226 0.09% 22486 0.05% /statistics/site-2105/
28 1803 0.07% 18337 0.04% /statistics/site-2124/
29 1739 0.07% 232654 0.52% /statistics/site-2115/usage_201409.html
30 1706 0.07% 227607 0.50% /statistics/site-2116/usage_201409.html

Top 10 of 6275 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 52656 2.10% 7051045 15.64% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
2 18700 0.75% 2413688 5.35% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202409.html
3 17182 0.69% 2290793 5.08% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201409.html
4 17056 0.68% 2268849 5.03% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html
5 16881 0.67% 2258901 5.01% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201604.html
6 18667 0.75% 2118657 4.70% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202410.html
7 217 0.01% 1496888 3.32% /sites/site-2091/documents/72511NewBackBrochure.pdf
8 8869 0.35% 1176189 2.61% /statistics/site-2116/usage_201506.html
9 8680 0.35% 1146039 2.54% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201506.html
10 8692 0.35% 1144202 2.54% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201506.html

Top 10 of 352 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1052094 42.03% 3620 45.82% /
2 52656 2.10% 1112 14.07% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
3 8680 0.35% 818 10.35% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201506.html
4 17182 0.69% 323 4.09% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201409.html
5 8692 0.35% 280 3.54% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201506.html
6 16881 0.67% 212 2.68% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201604.html
7 17056 0.68% 211 2.67% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html
8 8656 0.35% 172 2.18% /statistics/site-2131/usage_201506.html
9 8869 0.35% 171 2.16% /statistics/site-2116/usage_201506.html
10 18700 0.75% 103 1.30% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202409.html

Top 10 of 686 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1052094 42.03% 4501 60.92% /
2 18101 0.72% 177 2.40% /statistics/site-2117/
3 52656 2.10% 173 2.34% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
4 18667 0.75% 131 1.77% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202410.html
5 16571 0.66% 118 1.60% /statistics/site-2091/
6 9896 0.40% 114 1.54% /statistics/site-2115/
7 18700 0.75% 93 1.26% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202409.html
8 8868 0.35% 91 1.23% /statistics/site-2125/
9 8566 0.34% 83 1.12% /statistics/site-2131/
10 8346 0.33% 62 0.84% /statistics/site-2104/

Top 30 of 184 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 553674 22.12% 535452 33.73% 381352 0.85% 1278 15.52%
2 548999 21.93% 8947 0.56% 1134921 2.52% 956 11.61%
3 545991 21.81% 533784 33.62% 186904 0.41% 701 8.51%
4 61020 2.44% 56509 3.56% 6661639 14.78% 479 5.82%
5 59015 2.36% 25272 1.59% 2696740 5.98% 174 2.11%
6 51790 2.07% 27472 1.73% 2545268 5.65% 230 2.79%
7 48981 1.96% 22347 1.41% 2167101 4.81% 175 2.13%
8 46930 1.87% 31058 1.96% 2638662 5.85% 124 1.51%
9 42378 1.69% 33977 2.14% 2574458 5.71% 227 2.76%
10 41367 1.65% 33718 2.12% 2804270 6.22% 194 2.36%
11 39759 1.59% 16679 1.05% 302028 0.67% 32 0.39%
12 38970 1.56% 28518 1.80% 2598247 5.76% 212 2.58%
13 37680 1.51% 29697 1.87% 2822464 6.26% 233 2.83%
14 35541 1.42% 15445 0.97% 595715 1.32% 260 3.16%
15 34031 1.36% 25613 1.61% 2122858 4.71% 210 2.55%
16 32019 1.28% 23451 1.48% 2493546 5.53% 190 2.31%
17 30622 1.22% 21893 1.38% 1316018 2.92% 141 1.71%
18 29679 1.19% 22313 1.41% 2463923 5.47% 154 1.87%
19 29227 1.17% 11681 0.74% 239551 0.53% 96 1.17%
20 27059 1.08% 11994 0.76% 1214815 2.69% 88 1.07%
21 25005 1.00% 17871 1.13% 1992710 4.42% 114 1.38%
22 20963 0.84% 9796 0.62% 117983 0.26% 31 0.38%
23 20644 0.82% 10313 0.65% 225060 0.50% 102 1.24%
24 16474 0.66% 10350 0.65% 780104 1.73% 86 1.04%
25 15998 0.64% 87 0.01% 19873 0.04% 332 4.03%
26 13149 0.53% 5813 0.37% 87483 0.19% 57 0.69%
27 12073 0.48% 5336 0.34% 131562 0.29% 57 0.69%
28 11733 0.47% 95 0.01% 17579 0.04% 1 0.01%
29 11438 0.46% 9920 0.62% 1167678 2.59% 109 1.32%
30 3332 0.13% 2486 0.16% 235839 0.52% 287 3.49%

Top 10 of 184 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 61020 2.44% 56509 3.56% 6661639 14.78% 479 5.82%
2 37680 1.51% 29697 1.87% 2822464 6.26% 233 2.83%
3 41367 1.65% 33718 2.12% 2804270 6.22% 194 2.36%
4 59015 2.36% 25272 1.59% 2696740 5.98% 174 2.11%
5 46930 1.87% 31058 1.96% 2638662 5.85% 124 1.51%
6 38970 1.56% 28518 1.80% 2598247 5.76% 212 2.58%
7 42378 1.69% 33977 2.14% 2574458 5.71% 227 2.76%
8 51790 2.07% 27472 1.73% 2545268 5.65% 230 2.79%
9 32019 1.28% 23451 1.48% 2493546 5.53% 190 2.31%
10 29679 1.19% 22313 1.41% 2463923 5.47% 154 1.87%

Top 30 of 14593 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 421283 16.83% - (Direct Request)
2 73160 2.92%
3 73132 2.92%
4 73084 2.92%
5 73068 2.92%
6 72935 2.91%
7 72919 2.91%
8 72890 2.91%
9 72885 2.91%
10 72846 2.91%
11 72759 2.91%
12 72746 2.91%
13 72729 2.91%
14 72687 2.90%
15 72650 2.90%
16 72639 2.90%
17 72536 2.90%
18 72535 2.90%
19 72461 2.89%
20 72314 2.89%
21 72309 2.89%
22 61399 2.45%
23 53346 2.13%
24 21681 0.87%
25 16363 0.65%
26 11877 0.47%
27 11748 0.47%
28 8065 0.32%
29 7976 0.32%
30 6942 0.28%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00%

Top 20 of 48 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 386 0.02% 386 0.02% 1458 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
2 156 0.01% 156 0.01% 3673 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
3 149 0.01% 149 0.01% 3454 0.01% 2 0.02% - -
4 137 0.01% 137 0.01% 3202 0.01% 2 0.02% - -
5 136 0.01% 136 0.01% 3140 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
6 132 0.01% 132 0.01% 3016 0.01% 2 0.02% - -
7 130 0.01% 130 0.01% 2928 0.01% 3 0.04% - -
8 129 0.01% 129 0.01% 3050 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
9 109 0.00% 109 0.01% 2562 0.01% 3 0.04% - -
10 38 0.00% 38 0.00% 641 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
11 31 0.00% 31 0.00% 876 0.00% 2 0.02% - -
12 30 0.00% 30 0.00% 514 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
13 30 0.00% 30 0.00% 702 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
14 28 0.00% 28 0.00% 6063 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
15 27 0.00% 27 0.00% 1708 0.00% 2 0.02% - -
16 25 0.00% 25 0.00% 1107 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
17 24 0.00% 24 0.00% 346 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
18 24 0.00% 24 0.00% 1930 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
19 22 0.00% 22 0.00% 5884 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
20 21 0.00% 21 0.00% 2051 0.00% 1 0.01% - -

Top 15 of 5063 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1576200 62.97% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
2 94764 3.79% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
3 87071 3.48% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
4 55294 2.21% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
5 29237 1.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
6 27686 1.11% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
7 26800 1.07% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
8 21324 0.85% Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.31
9 18616 0.74% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
10 17276 0.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
11 17255 0.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
12 17165 0.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
13 17115 0.68% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
14 17012 0.68% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
15 15040 0.60% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 5 of 5 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1822107 72.79% 1154287 72.71% 4400594 9.76% commercial (.com)
2 661402 26.42% 439598 27.69% 40467030 89.77% network (.net)
3 19766 0.79% 1831 0.12% 210659 0.47% unresolved
4 8 0.00% 0 0.00% 10 0.00% organizations (.org)
5 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01